1) Submitting New Manuscripts: 

  • Please indicate your TWO (2) potential reviewers and the following information are required  to be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. under Reviewers Information and it must be attached together with the submission of your manuscript:
  • Name of Reviewer,
  • Institution,
  • Email Address,
  • Preference, (Reasons to suggest the above names for reviewing your said manuscripts)
  • Submissions MUST include a Turnitin report with less than 20% similarity index.


2) JAS Submission Guidelines:

  • The manuscript must be in MS Word format. Language of Publication in English or Bahasa Malaysia.
  • Foreign words should be in italics.
  • The title must be in Times New Roman size 14.
  • The text must be in Times New Roman size 12. The headings must be in Times New Roman size 12.
  • Spacing must be 1 between lines. Single spacing between main-heading. Double-space between sub-headings. Indent first line for each paragraph 0.5".
  • The beginning of each paragraph must be indented except those immediately following a heading, quotation, example, figure, chart or table.
  • The preferred length is no more than 8000 words (excluding references, tables, notes). Longer articles are acceptable depending on merit.
  • The APA Style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 6th ed., 2010) must be used for numbering, citations, and references to other publications.
  • ANY direct quote requires a page reference or a reference to the name of the person and the date of the interview.
  • Endnotes (if any) must appear at the end of the article.
  • Articles written in Malay should have abstracts and keywords in English
  • An abstract of about 200-250 words must be included. It must be an informative summary of the article including the study’s purpose, subject information, methodology, types of data analyzed, main findings, and conclusions. Avoid abbreviations, diagrams, and references to the text in the abstract. It must be in Times New Roman size 10 and italic.
  • Keywords (4- 6) must be provided beneath the abstract to encapsulate the principal topics of the paper.
  • Tables, graphs, figures, and charts must be typed and included as part of the manuscript following the APA Style formatting. Acknowledgments (if any) must be placed before the References.
  • Send in (a) complete text, (b) the complete text of the manuscript MINUS the title page to allow blind review, (c) author declaration form, and (d) corresponding author and co-author’s biodata form a short (2-3 sentence) biography of each author.
  • You are responsible for making sure that the uploaded manuscript consists of the complete text of the manuscript MINUS any identifying information in the title page, acknowledgments, and/or any running headers to allow blinded review. Please note: This is also true for the submission of revised manuscripts. If you do not do this, reviewers may be able to see your name and comments, compromising the blind review system. If this happens, we will have to start over with new reviewers, significantly delaying the review process.
  • Any manuscript that does not conform to the above instructions may be returned to the author for the necessary revision before publication.


Updated June 2021